%0 Journal Article %T EFFECT OF SOIL MANAGEMENT ON THEIR THERMAL PROPERTIES Efecto del manejo del suelo sobre sus propiedades t谷rmicas %A Dorota Dec %A Jos谷 Dˋrner %A Rainer Horn %J Revista de la Ciencia del Suelo y Nutrici車n Vegetal %D 2009 %I %X In order to determine the effect of soil management on its thermal properties, undisturbed soil samples were taken from two tillage treatments (conventional and conservation treatment) at two depths (0-30cm and 30-60cm) of a Stagnic Luvisol (silt loam) before and after directly wheeling. The experimental field, located in Harste/Goettingen, Germany, was cultivated with sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). To calculate thermal properties of the soil, the volumetric water content (TDR needles) and temperature (pT 100 thermistors) during the simulation of the daily fluctuation of temperature were registered in laboratory and then the thermal conductivity, volumetric heat capacity and heat diffusivity were calculated following the damping depth method and the statistical-physical model. The results showed that different tillage systems as well as compaction influenced soil thermal properties. Conservational tillage treatment with more stable and better developed soil structure at a depth of 0-30cm (which represents ploughing depth and decides differences between soil management) presented higher water content as the main factor deciding soil thermal properties. According to this, values of thermal conductivity and volumetric heat capacity under this treatment were greater than under conventional. Thermal diffusivity, however, was lower. From the latter we can conclude that under conservation tillage treatment the soil can store more heat, but at the same time and as a result of the lower thermal diffusivity, the atmospheric variations do not affect the soil thermal regime strongly. Con el objetivo de determinar el efecto del manejo del suelo sobre sus propiedades t谷rmicas, se recolectaron muestras no disturbadas de suelo desde dos tratamientos de cultivo (convencional y conservacionista) en dos profundidades (0-30cm y 30-60cm) de un Stagnic Luvisol (franco limoso) antes y despu谷s del tr芍nsito de una cosechadora. El campo experimental, ubicado in Hartse/Goettingen, Alemania, fue cultivado con remolacha azucarera (Beta vulgaris). Para calcular las propiedades t谷rmicas del suelo, se registr車 el contenido volum谷trico de agua (TDRs) y la temperatura (thermistors pT100) durante la simulaci車n de la fluctuaci車n diaria de la temperatura en laboratorio. A partir de esa simulaci車n, se calcul車 la conductividad t谷rmica, la capacidad cal車rica y la difusi車n de calor de acuerdo al m谷todo "damping depth" y "statistical-physical model". Los resultados demuestran que tanto los diferentes tipos de manejo como tambi谷n la compactaci車n del suelo afectan sus propiedades t谷rmicas. El manejo %K capacidad cal車rica %K conductividad t谷rmica %K difusi車n t谷rmica %K sistema de labranza %K heat capacity %K heat conductivity %K thermal diffusivity %K tillage system %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-27912009000100003