%0 Journal Article %T Bovine manure doses for agronomic and fiber characteristics of the BRS Rubi upland cotton = Doses de esterco bovino nas caracter¨ªsticas agron micas e de fibras do algodoeiro herb¨¢ceo BRS Rubi. %A Jos¨¦ Rodrigues Pereira %A Wh¨¦llyson Pereira Ara¨²jo %A Magna Maria Macedo Ferreira %A Franciezer Vicente de Lima %J Agro@mbiente On-line %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal de Roraima %X In Para¨ªba, Brazil, a local market for family farming is the production of naturally colored cotton grown in agroecological regime. For solution of physicochemical and biological soil degradation of brazilian semiarid, where Caatinga biome predominates, one valuable agroecological practice is the organic adubation. Accordingly, it was aimed with the present work to study the influence of bovine manure doses (D0 - 0.0; D1 - 2.5; D2 - 5.0; D3 - 10.0; D4 - D5 and 20.0 - 40.0 Mg ha-1) on agronomic and fiber characteristics of the agroecological herbaceous cotton BRS Rubi crop in the arid region of that State, in the years 2008/2009 and 2009, and to define the best dose of this organic fertilizer for this system and this growing region. The treatments were arranged in a randomized block design, with four replications. It was performed combined analysisof variance of the experiments, being evaluated agronomic (stem diameter, plant height, yeild and boll weight) and fiber(percentage, length, strength, micronaire index, fiber short index, elongation and maturity of fibers) variables in the two yearsof cultivation. It was concluded that: there was influence of the bovine manure doses tested for the agronomic characteristicsbut not for the characteristics of the fibers of the herbaceous cotton colored BRS Rubi; the best dose was 18 Mg ha-1of bovinemanure (Maximum Economic Dose). = Na Para¨ªba, um nicho de mercado para a agricultura familiar ¨¦ a produ o de algod o naturalmente colorido ecultivado agroecologicamente. Para solu o da degrada o f¨ªsico-qu¨ªmica e biol¨®gica dos solos do semi¨¢rido brasileiro, onde o bioma caatinga predomina, uma pr¨¢tica agroecol¨®gica valiosa ¨¦ a aduba o organica. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho estudar a influ¨ºncia de doses de esterco bovino (D0 - 0; D1 - 2,5; D2 - 5; D3 - 10; D4 - 20 e D5 - 40 Mg ha-1) sobre caracter¨ªsticas agron micas e da fibra do algodoeiro herb¨¢ceo colorido BRS Rubi, sob cultivo agroecol¨®gico no Sert o Paraibano, durante dois anos agr¨ªcolas (2008/2009 e 2009), e definir a melhor dose deste fertilizante organico para este sistema e regi o de cultivo. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em um delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com quatro repeti es. Foi realizada an¨¢lise conjunta dos ensaios, sendo avaliadas vari¨¢veis agron micas (diametro caulinar, altura daplanta, produtividade e peso dos capulhos) e das fibras (percentagem, comprimento, ¨ªndice de fibras curtas, resist¨ºncia, finura,alongamento e maturidade das fibras) nos dois anos de cultivo. Concluiu-se que houve influ¨ºncia das dose %K Organic adubation %K Colored cotton %K Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium H. = Aduba o organica %K Algod o colorido %K Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium H.. %U http://revista.ufrr.br/index.php/agroambiente/article/view/692