%0 Journal Article %T Preliminary Anthropological Research on the Medieval Population of the Iasi City (Necropolis of the §Sf. Nicolae§ Church 每 Ciurchi Street, the 16th 每 18th Centuries) %A Vasilica Monica Groza %A Georgeta Miu %A Angela Simalcsik %J Memoirs of the Scientific Sections of the Romanian Academy %D 2012 %I Publishing House of the Romanian Academy %X The osteological material discovered in the medieval necropolis (16th 每 18th centuries) of the ※Sf. Nicolae Church§ situated in Ciurchi Street in Ia i consists of over 500 human skeletons exhumed of about 300 inhumation graves. The preliminary anthropological analysis performed on only 28 skeletons (12 male and 16 female adult skeletons having belonged to persons over older than 20 years) shows a hypsicranic and metriocranic population with high waist, metriometopic (medium) or eurimetopic (broad) forehead and medium-sized occipital bone. Male skeletons are characterized by dolicochranian (long heads) and female skeletons by brachicranian.The face is mesene, the eye sockets are mesoconch or hypsiconch and the nose leptorin or mesorine. The skeletons discovered belong to the Mediterranean 每 Dynaric type, but several elements of the Nordoid, Alpine and East-Europoid types were evidenced, as well. %K Sf. Nicolae 每 Church %K Necropolis %K Anthropological analysis %K 16th 每 18th centuries %U http://www.academiaromana-is.ro/Reviste/mem_sc_st_2012/art%2004%20Groza.pdf