%0 Journal Article %T Online Web portal of competence-based training opportunities for Organic Agriculture %A Ch. Thanopoulos %A V. Protonotarios %A G. Stoitsis %J AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics %D 2012 %I Czech University of Life Sciences %X A number of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools such as web portals, learning portals and course management platforms have been developed and used in order to support EU-funded research and training projects in the area of Organic Agriculture (OA). This tools transfer the technological infrastructure needed in order to facilitate specific tasks, such as the organization of educational, research and information content, like the competences, learning opportunities, certificates and vocational opportunities. This paper presents the case of the CerOrganic Web portal (http://portal.cerorganic.eu), which is used for providing access to resources related to vocational education and training in the context of OA. %K Competences %K competence model %K organic agriculture %K OA %K ICT tools %K web platform %U http://online.agris.cz/files/2012/agris_on-line_2012_1_thanopoulos_protonotarios_stoitsis.pdf