%0 Journal Article %T Information Support of Regions and Possibilities of Its Further Development %A J. Vane£¿k %A M. Stoc£¿es %A P. S£¿imek %A I. Hrbek %J AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics %D 2012 %I Czech University of Life Sciences %X The paper presents the results of information and communication technologies (ICT) research support in the Czech Republic regions, focused mainly on the problems of mapping cultural heritage together with activities in the area of tourism and business activities connected with it (accommodation, food etc). One possible approach is demonstrated on the example of web portal ¡°Get to know Posumavi ¨C a tourist guide to Posumavi¡±. This approach integrates the advantages of standard information sources with the Internet application. Moreover, this application provides a clear topographical output. The project is being prepared in co-operation with a chosen local partner, in our case the Posumavi local action group. The under-mentioned solution can be further extended if need be, but we can also understand it as a general-purpose solution which means it can be widely used in other areas of the information support of regions.The knowledge and data presented in the paper were obtained as a result of the Research Program titled ¡°Economy of the Czech Agriculture Resources and Their Efficient Use within the Framework of the Multifunctional Agri-food Systems¡± of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports number VZ MSM 6046070906. %K ICT adoption %K broadband %K tourism %K regional development %K web portal. %U http://online.agris.cz/files/2012/agris_on-line_2012_3_vanek_stoces_simek_hrbek.pdf