%0 Journal Article %T Brazilian agribusiness and the greenhouse gases emissions (GHG) reduction = O papel do agroneg車cio brasileiro na redu o de emiss o de gases de efeito estufa (GEES) %A Fernanda Scharnberg Brandˋo %A Alessandra Carla Ceolin %A Clandio Favarini Ruviaro %A Miguelangelo Gianezini %J Agro@mbiente On-line %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal de Roraima %X In recent decades, climate change has been accelerated by anthropogenic activity and became a currently issue on global discussion. Due to the importance that Brazil has a global supplier of food, this article aims to verify the representativeness of the emissions in the Brazilian agribusiness and the different roles to be played in agriculture to reduce GHG emissions. As methodological approach, a literature review was realized based from 124 articles related to the keywords ※climate change§ and ※agribussiness§ in the database. Firstly, we analyses the history of international meetings on climate change, as the Meadows Report (1968), Brundtland Report (1987), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (1988), the United Nations Framework Convention (1992), the Kyoto Protocol (1997), the Stern Report (2006) and Report GHF (2009). The situation created the need for targets to reduce GHG emissions for major world economies, as in the case of Brazil, where it is almost impossible to exclude such liability. The results indicate that Brazil is one of the most responsible for the GHG emissions in the agricultural sector (including forestry, agriculture and livestock) mainly due to deforestation. However, it also indicates that the opportunities to significant reduction*s emissions in the upcoming years arise from these agricultural segments. = Nas 迆ltimas d谷cadas a a o antropog那nica tem acelerado o processo natural de mudan a no clima e, consequentemente, as discuss es acerca dessa quest o est o cada vez mais presentes. Dada a importancia que o Brasil tem como fornecedor mundial de alimentos, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho verificar a representatividade nas emiss es de GEEs do agroneg車cio brasileiro e os diferentes pap谷is a serem desempenhados na agropecu芍ria para reduzi-las. Quanto aos procedimentos t谷cnicos, utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliogr芍fica em diferentes bases de dados, onde foram pesquisados 124 artigos relacionados com as palavras-chave ※climate change§ e ※agribussiness§. Assim, s o apresentados os temas referentes ao hist車rico de encontros internacionais sobre mudan as clim芍ticas, abordando o Relat車rio Meadows (1968), Relat車rio Brundtland (1987), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (1988), a Conven o Quadro das Na es Unidas (1992), o Protocolo de Quioto (1997), o Relat車rio Stern (2006) e o Relat車rio GHF (2009). A conjuntura criou a necessidade de metas de redu o de emiss o de GEEs para as grandes economias mundiais, como no caso do Brasil, onde 谷 praticamente invi芍vel a exclus o dessa responsabilidade. Os resultados indicam que o Brasi %K Agriculture %K Livestock %K Climate change %K Kyoto Protocol. = Agricultura %K Agropecu芍ria %K Mudan as clim芍ticas %K Protocolo de Quioto. %U http://ufrr.br/revista/index.php/agroambiente/article/view/642/663