%0 Journal Article %T Evoluci車n de la cooperaci車n europea en inteligencia The evolution of European cooperation in intelligence %A Antonio M. D赤az Fern芍ndez %J Varia Historia %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais %R 10.1590/s0104-87752012000100008 %X La cooperaci車n entre los pa赤ses europeos en materia de inteligencia no se inicia tan recientemente como podr赤a parecer. La dif赤cil relaci車n mantenida durante la guerra fr赤a no podr赤a hacernos pensar que los europeos colaborasen intensamente y se intercambiasen informaci車n e inteligencia de forma intensa. Este art赤culo describe la evoluci車n de esta cooperaci車n. European cooperation on intelligence among European countries does not start as late as it sounds. The difficult relationship maintained within Europe during the cold war may not suggest the existence of a strong collaboration and information and intelligence exchange. This article describes the evolution of this cooperation. %K cooperaci車n %K inteligencia %K Europa %K cooperation %K intelligence %K Europe %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0104-87752012000100008