%0 Journal Article %T Un an¨˘lisis de los aspectos comunicativos del pianista Vladimir Horowitz con el p¨˛blico %A Andr¨¦s %A Carlos %J Revista de la Lista Electr¨®nica Europea de M¨˛sica en la Educaci¨®n %D 2006 %I Universidad de La Rioja and Jes¨˛s Tejada %X This work addresses the artistic communication in general, and the musicalcommunication in particular, focusing on one of the most exceptional figures in the historyof musical interpretation: the pianist Vladimir Horowitz. First, we provide a dualperspective on when and how the intrepreter intermediates the communication between thecomposer and the audience: one perspective is that of the artist who shapes hisinterpretation based on his knowledge and experiences, and the other perspective is of thelistener, whose way of listening is affected by emotional, cognitive and socio-culturalfactors. In the empirical part we have analyzed the different types of perceptions reportedby an audience, that have been selected along a number of characteristics. We related the body language of Horowitz with his way of playing, distinguishing between the perceptions of the audience in those pieces where they could only listen to the music, and those inwhich they could see the artist performing. In addition, we have investigated therelationship among all the subjects according to their profiles, and analyzed the technical resources employed by Horowitz in capturing the audience's attention, thus evaluating his ability to communicate. Finally, we have sought to advance a definition of the degree of communication between Horowitz and the selected audience, based on their reported sensations and emotions. %U http://musica.rediris.es/leeme/revista/andres.pdf