%0 Journal Article %T Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum L.) and Broadleaf Weed Control in Winter Wheat with Acetolactate Synthase-Inhibiting Herbicides %A Seshadri S. Reddy %A Phillip W. Stahlman %A Patrick W. Geier %J Agronomy %D 2013 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/agronomy3020340 %X A study was conducted for three seasons in northwest Kansas, USA to evaluate acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides for downy brome ( Bromus tectorum L.) and winter annual broadleaf weed control in winter wheat. Herbicides included pyroxsulam at 18.4 g ai ha £¿1, propoxycarbazone-Na at 44 g ai ha £¿1, premixed propoxycarbazone-Na & mesosulfuron-methyl at 27 g ai ha £¿1, and sulfosulfuron at 35 g ai ha £¿1. The herbicides were applied postemergence in fall and spring seasons. Averaged over time of application, no herbicide controlled downy brome more than 78% in any year. When downy brome densities were high, control was less than 60%. Pyroxsulam controlled downy brome greater than or similar to other herbicides tested. Flixweed ( Descurainia sophia L.), blue mustard [ Chorispora tenella (Pallas) DC.], and henbit ( Lamium amplexicaule L.) control did not differ among herbicide treatments. All herbicides tested controlled flixweed and blue mustard at least 87% and 94%, respectively. However, none of the herbicides controlled henbit more than 73%. Fall herbicide applications improved weed control compared to early spring applications; improvement ranged from 3% to 31% depending on the weed species. Henbit control was greatly decreased by delaying herbicide applications until spring compared to fall applications (49% vs. 80% control). Herbicide injury was observed in only two instances. The injury was ¡Ü13% with no difference between herbicides and the injury did not impact final plant height or grain yield. %K blue mustard %K downy brome %K flixweed %K henbit %K propoxycarbazone-Na %K pyroxsulam %K sulfosulfuron %U http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/3/2/340