%0 Journal Article %T Some aspects of the ecology of robins in natural and anthropogenic habitats Ryazan region %A Ivanov E. %A Baranovsky A. %J Vestnik Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University %D 2013 %I Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University %X This article presents the results of a study of the ecology of Erithacus rubecula carried out in anthropogenic habitats of the Ryazan region in 200¡ª2010. The results of research reveal a few distinctive features in the biology of this species depending on the degree of biotopes¡¯ anthropogenic transformation. First of all, it concerns bird nutrition. As the degree of anthropogenic transformation increases, the diet of the species contains more synanthropic invertebrates. Some birds start feeding on man-made products and associate with people in the process of foraging. The difference in the reproduction biology of the species can be reduced to the use of man-made shelters for nesting. %K Erithacus rubecula %K ecology %K natural and man-made landscapes %K nesting %K nourishment of nestlings %K behavior %U http://journals.kantiana.ru/upload/iblock/1c6/Ivanov%20E.,%20Baranovsky%20A._86-94.pdf