%0 Journal Article %T Monitoring of quality of preparation of graduates of the institution in the implementation of the competence approach %A Sibikina Irina Vyacheslavovna %A Kosmacheva Irina Mikhailovna %A Davidyuk Nadezhda Valerievna %J Vestnik Astrahanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tehni£¿eskogo Universiteta. Seria: Upravlenie, Vy£¿islitel£¿naa Tehnika i Informatika %D 2013 %I Astrakhan State Technical University %X The need to improve the planning processes of the basic educational programs in terms and conditions of the new education mandatory standards is specified. An algorithm for monitoring quality of training with the use of the characteristics of the level of competencies is presented. The possibility to use the developments in automated control systems of the institution of higher education is shown. %K monitoring of quality of training %K planning of education %K automated management systems %U http://astu.org/content/userimages/vestnik/file/inform_2013_1/26.pdf