%0 Journal Article %T Adv谷rbio em 每mente: processo morfol車gico conclu赤do ou em andamento? %A Virg赤lio Pereira de Almeida %A Joˋo Carlos Rodrigues da Silva %A Maria Avelina de Carvalho %J Revista de Letras %D 2008 %I Catholic University of Brasilia %X This paper aims at investigating the morphological construction of adverbs with a final 每mente in Portuguese. We intend to highlight that the morpheme 每mente, categorized as a suffix by the traditional grammar, does not function as other suffixes, thus indicating that the gramaticalization of 每mente is not a concluded process, but is rather found midway in the continuum proposed by Meillet (apud CHRISTIANO et al., 2004, p. 18) towards total gramaticalization. The approach used in this study is mostly descriptive, grounded on the theoretical assumptions of structuralism and functionalism. %K Adverb %K morphological processes %K gramaticalization %K suffix. %U http://portalrevistas.ucb.br/index.php/RL/article/view/947/824