%0 Journal Article %T Dynamic DOM-objects in situationally-oriented databases: lingware and knoware of data sources 坏我扶忘技我折快扼抗我快 DOM-抉忌抓快抗找抑 志 扼我找批忘扯我抉扶扶抉-抉把我快扶找我把抉志忘扶扶抑抒 忌忘戒忘抒 忱忘扶扶抑抒: 抖我扶忍志我扼找我折快扼抗抉快 我 忘抖忍抉把我找技我折快扼抗抉快 抉忌快扼扭快折快扶我快 我扼找抉折扶我抗抉志 忱忘扶扶抑抒 %A 均. 妊. 坐批扼忘把快扶抗抉 %A 圾. 圾. 妙我把抉扶抉志 %J Vestnik UGATU %D 2013 %I Ufa State Aviation Technical University %X Gusarenko A. S., Mironov V. V. Under the previously developed concept of dynamic DOM-objects in the dynamic model situation-oriented database is proposed lingware support, providing graphic and text means for the specification data sources DOM-objects. Recursive algorithm interpretation is described, taking into account the DOM-elements associated with the states of the dynamic model, which provides a DOM-filling object XML-based content of the specified sources when the parent state is current. The realization of the proposed lingware and knoware for the platform PHP. 圾 把忘技抗忘抒 把忘扶快快 把忘戒把忘忌抉找忘扶扶抉抄 抗抉扶扯快扭扯我我 忱我扶忘技我折快扼抗我抒 DOM-抉忌抓快抗找抉志 志 扼抉扼找忘志快 忱我扶忘技我折快扼抗抉抄 技抉忱快抖我 扼我找批忘扯我抉扶扶抉-抉把我快扶我把抉志忘扶扶抉抄 忌忘戒抑 忱忘扶扶抑抒 扭把快忱抖忘忍忘快找扼攸 抖我扶忍志我扼找我折快扼抗抉快 抉忌快扼扭快折快扶我快, 扭把快忱批扼技忘找把我志忘攻投快快 忍把忘扳我折快扼抗我快 我 找快抗扼找抉志抑快 扼把快忱扼找志忘 扼扭快扯我扳我抗忘扯我我 我扼找抉折扶我抗抉志 忱忘扶扶抑抒 忱抖攸 DOM-抉忌抓快抗找抉志. 妍扭我扼抑志忘快找扼攸 把快抗批把扼我志扶抑抄 忘抖忍抉把我找技 我扶找快把扭把快找忘扯我我, 批折我找抑志忘攻投我抄 DOM-改抖快技快扶找抑, 忘扼扼抉扯我我把抉志忘扶扶抑快 扼 扼抉扼找抉攸扶我攸技我 忱我扶忘技我折快扼抗抉抄 技抉忱快抖我, 抗抉找抉把抑抄 抉忌快扼扭快折我志忘快找 戒忘扭抉抖扶快扶我快 DOM-抉忌抓快抗找忘 XML-抗抉扶找快扶找抉技 我戒 扼扭快扯我扳我扯我把抉志忘扶扶抑抒 我扼找抉折扶我抗抉志, 抗抉忍忱忘 把抉忱我找快抖抆扼抗抉快 扼抉扼找抉攸扶我快 扼找忘扶抉志我找扼攸 找快抗批投我技. 妓忘扼扼技忘找把我志忘快找扼攸 把快忘抖我戒忘扯我攸 扭把快忱抖抉忪快扶扶抑抒 抖我扶忍志我扼找我折快扼抗我抒 我 忘抖忍抉把我找技我折快扼抗我抒 扼把快忱扼找志 扶忘 扭抖忘找扳抉把技快 PHP. %K Web application %K database %K dynamic model %K NoSQL %K XML %K DOM %K PHP %U http://www.journal.ugatu.ac.ru/index.php/vestnik/article/view/251