%0 Journal Article %T 妤把抉快抗找我把抉志忘扶我快 我 把快忘抖我戒忘扯我攸 扭忘抗快找忘 扭把抉忍把忘技技 忱抖攸 忘扶忘抖我戒忘 我 扼我扶找快戒忘 扼抖抉忪扶抑抒 找快抒扶我折快扼抗我抒 抉忌抓快抗找抉志 Design and implementation of software package for analysis and synthesis of complex technical objects %A 妓. 坏. 圻扶我抗快快志 %A 均. 均. 完快把扶抉批扼抉志 %J Vestnik UGATU %D 2013 %I Ufa State Aviation Technical University %X 妤把我志快忱快扶抑 找把快忌抉志忘扶我攸 我 抉扭我扼忘扶我快 忘把抒我找快抗找批把抑 扭忘抗快找忘 扭把我抗抖忘忱扶抑抒 扭把抉忍把忘技技 忱抖攸 折我扼抖快扶扶抉忍抉 技抉忱快抖我把抉志忘扶我攸 扼抖抉忪扶抑抒 找快抒扶我折快扼抗我抒 抉忌抓快抗找抉志 改扶快把忍抉技忘扮我扶抉扼找把抉快扶我攸 扭抉 技扶抉忍抉忱我扼扯我扭抖我扶忘把扶抑技 技抉忱快抖攸技 扼 扭抉忱忱快把忪抗抉抄 扭忘把忘技快找把我折快扼抗抉忍抉 扼我扶找快戒忘. 妍忌扼批忪忱忘快找扼攸 扼抉扼找忘志, 志戒忘我技抉扼志攸戒抆 技快忪忱批 抗抉技扭抉扶快扶找忘技我 扭忘抗快找忘 我 忱把批忍我快 扭把抉快抗找我把抉志抉折扶抑快 把快扮快扶我攸. Presented are the requirements and description of architecture of a software package for numerical simulation of complex engineering facilities by multidisciplinary models with support for parametric synthesis. Package components, the relationship between them, and other design decisions are discussed. %K heat engines %K control systems %K software packages %K simulation %K parametric synthesis %U http://www.journal.ugatu.ac.ru/index.php/vestnik/article/view/241