%0 Journal Article %T Las nuevas meninas o bienvenido Foucault : Performance - Escenificaci車n - Transmedialidad - Percepci車n - Frida Kahlo - Diario - Fotograf赤a - Pintura The New Meninas or welcome Foucault : -Performance - Escenification - Transmediality -perception - Frida Kahlo - Diary - Photography -Painting %A Alfonso de Toro %J Aisthesis %D 2011 %I %X Kahlo elabora y desarrolla diversos procedimientos performativos que contribuyen a superar la idea de que arte es solamente aquello duradero, elitista, museal, comercial. Kahlo es una pionera de la performance, de un concepto vida-arte-cuerpo/arte-cuerpo-vida, ella es su propio medio, artefacto, presentaci車n y producto, es arte-objeto, arte-acci車n y creadora de un nuevo realismo y de lo que m芍s tarde se va a llamar body-art, happening o fluxus. Kahlo work out and develop diverse performative strategies that contribute to overcome the idea that art is only that what is durable and sublime, elitist, that belong to a museum and it is commercial. Kahlo is the pioneer of the art form performace, she creates a new concept of life-art-body/art-body-life, she is her own medium, artefact, presentation and product, she is art-object, art-action, she founds a new realism and that what later is going to be called body-art, happening or fluxus. %K fotograf赤a %K pintura %K performance %K artefacto %K arte-objeto %K arte-acci車n %K body-art %K happening %K fluxus %K Photography %K painting %K performance %K artefact %K art-object %K art-action %K body-art %K happening %K fluxus %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-71812011000200001