%0 Journal Article %T Os Parametros Curriculares Nacionais e o ensino de ingl¨ºs no Brasil %A Rozana Reigota Naves %A Dalva Del Vigna %J Revista de Letras %D 2008 %I Catholic University of Brasilia %X This paper presents preliminary results of the research entitled ¡°A comparative approach to the teaching of Portuguese and English taking into account the PCN from Middle School and the use of new educational technologies¡±. These results concern the history of English teaching in Brazilian High Schools, considering the goals from the Parametros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) to include the subject English Language (among others) in a larger area labeled ¡°Languages, Codes and their Technologies¡±. The research takes into consideration official documents from the Brazilian educational public policies and other approaches on applied linguistics related to the area. %K Education %K public policies %K history of foreign language teaching %K English Language. %U http://portalrevistas.ucb.br/index.php/RL/article/view/29/20