%0 Journal Article %T Thinking about change: Ibn Khald¨±n¡äs and his contemporaries Historical analysis and mentalities %A Calasso %A Giovanna %J Al-Qantara : Revista de Estudios Arabes %D 2011 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X Starting from Ibn Khald¨±n¡äs thoughts as expressed in the Muqaddima on change in history, on the use of analogy and comparison as instruments to make it recognizable and on the imperativeness of historical writing in the face of the great phenomena of change, the article proposes a reflection on this theme in the light of the history of mentalities. Ibn Khald¨±n¡äs theoretical thinking, but also his different attitudes in the face of the on-going transformations in the societies with which he was familiar, are therefore compared with the mental attitudes of some other categories of his contempo-rary scholars, with particular reference to 8th/14th century Egypt. For example, the authors of Kutub al-bida and pilgrimage guides reacted in different ways towards the changes they perceived in both the religious and non-religious customs of the Moslem society examined in the framework of the mentalities and transformations which marked the historical period in which he lived. [fr] A partir des id¨¦es sur les changements dans l¡ähistorie exprim¨¦es par Ibn Khald¨±n dans Muqaddima ¨¤ propos de l¡äusage de l¡äanalogie et la comparaison comme instruments pour les rendre reconnaissables et sur le caract¨¨re imp¨¦ratif de l¡äecriture historique face au grand ph¨¦nom¨¨ne du changement, l¡äarticle suivant propose une r¨¦flexion sur ce sujet du point de vue de l¡ähistorie des mentalites. La pens¨¦e theorique d¡äIbn Khald¨±n, mais aussi ses differentes attitudes vis-¨¢-vis des transformations en cours des societ¨¦s qu¡äil connaissait , sont donc compar¨¦es aux attitudes mentales sur d¡äautres cat¨¦gories d¡äerutites contemporains. avec una r¨¦f¨¦rence particuli¨¨re a l¡äEgypte du si¨¨cle VIII/XIV. Par exemple, les auteurs de Kutub al-bida et des guides de p¨¨lerinage r¨¦agirent de mani¨¨re diff¨¦rente ¨¤ propos des changements qu¡äils percevaient dans les habitudes aussi bien religieuses que non religieuses de la soci¨¦t¨¦ musulmane de leur temps. La pens¨¦e d¡äIbn Khald¨±n est donc examin¨¦e dans le cadre des mentalit¨¦s et des transfor-mations qui ont marqu¨¦ la p¨¦riode historique qu¡äil v¨¦cut. %K Ibn Khald¨±n %K Historical change %K Analogy and comparison %K Mentalitie %K Ibn Khald¨±n %K chagement historique %K Analogie et comparaison %K Mentalit¨¦s %U http://al-qantara.revistas.csic.es/index.php/al-qantara/article/view/251/245