%0 Journal Article %T An芍lisis cuantitativo y caracterizaci車n morfol車gica de la aleaci車n 6063. Diferencias microestructurales y mec芍nicas entre la superficie y el n迆cleo de barras cil赤ndricas de colada semicontinua %A Asensio-Lozano %A J. %A Su芍rez-Peˋa %A B. %J Revista de Metalurgia %D 2012 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient赤ficas %X In the present work it has been studied the effect of microstructure on tensile properties of semi-continuously cast round billets manufactured in the industrial 6063 alloy either in the as cast state or after heat treatment. Relevant microstructural features were characterized by quantitative metallographic techniques, both in the periphery and centre of billets, and contrasted against the measured tensile properties at room temperature. Special attention in the study was paid to the way in which chemical non-homogeneities could be minimized. For such purpose the refinement and shape modification of second phase particles formed during solidification, thereafter transformed during the subsequent industrial heat treatment, were assessed. It was observed that the morphology of iron-rich intermetallic compounds developed during solidification was highly influenced by the solidification rate as seen in the billet cross section. It was also verified that the optimal elongation corresponded to the central portion of the billet once industrially homogenized. En el presente trabajo se analiza el efecto que tienen sobre las propiedades mec芍nicas en tracci車n, las diferencias microestructurales entre la superficie y el n迆cleo de lingotes de la aleaci車n industrial 6063. Se ha intentado mejorar la homogeneidad qu赤mica y afinar y modificar los precipitados presentes en la aleaci車n, promoviendo los cambios necesarios durante su procesado industrial. Tambi谷n se ha examinado la relaci車n entre la composici車n qu赤mica, las caracter赤sticas microestructurales y su evoluci車n tras el tratamiento t谷rmico de homogeneizaci車n previo a la extrusi車n; los resultados se han correlacionando con las propiedades mec芍nicas a tracci車n en distintas zonas del lingote tratado t谷rmicamente. Se ha observado que en esta etapa intermedia de la ruta de producci車n tradicional, la morfolog赤a que desarrollan los compuestos intermet芍licos de base hierro est芍 influenciada por la velocidad de solidificaci車n predominante en cada zona del lingote; las mejores ductilidades corresponden a la zona central del lingote homogeneizado. %K 6063 Aluminium alloy %K Ingots %K Homogenization heat treatment %K Microstructural characterization %K Mechanical characterization %K Aleaci車n de aluminio 6063 %K Lingotes %K Tratamiento t谷rmico de homogeneizaci車n %K Caracterizaci車n microestructural %K Caracterizaci車n mec芍nica %U http://revistademetalurgia.revistas.csic.es/index.php/revistademetalurgia/article/view/1238/1249