%0 Journal Article %T Zur Klassifikation der Kommissionen der Internationalen Kartographischen Vereinigung (IKV) [On classification of the commissions of the International Cartographic Association (ICA)] %A Alexander Wolodtschenko %J Meta-Carto-Semiotics %D 2009 %I Meta-Carto-Semiotics %X The paper tries to depict some classification forms of the commissions of the International Cartographic Association (ICA). After pragmatic characteristics (experience, name, priority, "classical"/"non classical", etc.) one can characterize, classify and evaluate all ICA commissions. A new research field "Commissions onomastics" in cartography is proposed. %K ICA Commissions %K classification forms %K structural models in and of cartography %K ICA-strategy %K "Commissions onomastics" %U http://meta-carto-semiotics.org/uploads/mcs_vol2_2009/MCS_2009_2_wolodtschenko.pdf