%0 Journal Article %T Surgical Treatment of Cardiac Myxoma %A Nikola Komazec %A Miodrag Golubovic %A Vladimir Torbica %A Renata Mojasevic %J Aktuelnosti iz Neurologije, Psihijatrije i Grani£¿nih Podru£¿ja %D 2010 %I Clinical Center of Vojvodina %X We present a case of a 41-year-old female patient, referred with the diagnosis of left atrial myxoma. She was treated at the Clinic for Neurology for sudden-onset symptoms of weakness of the right half of the body and speech disturbances. Doppler examination of the carotid artery and transcranial Doppler examination of the circle of Willis detected no abnormalities. Brain computed tomography was performed and rare microemboli were registered. A cardiologist was consulted, who indicated echocardiographic examination. Echo formation (size 4.5 x 2.0 cm) was registered in the left atrium of uneven echogenicity, irregular surface with high embolic potential. Echo formation probably corresponded to a myxoma originating from the proximal part of the interatrial septum. During diastole it protruded through the mitral opening in the left ventricle. After standard approach to the heart and cannulation, we opened the right atrium and left atrium through the roof, and myxoma was noticed (4 x 3 cm) of extremely friable nature which was fixed at the fossa ovalis to the left atrium. The myxoma was excised completely. Postoperative period passed without complications and the patient was discharged on the tenth postoperative day. %K Cardiac tumors %K cardiac surgery %U http://www.aktuelnosti.org/pdf/2010/2010%5B4%5D08.pdf