%0 Journal Article %T A note on light induced mappings %A Ivan Loncar %J Albanian Journal of Mathematics %D 2009 %I AulonaPress %X Let a mapping f:X¡úY between continua X and Y be given. We shall prove: a) if the induced mapping 2^{f}:2^{X}¡ú2^{Y} is light, then w(X)=w(Y). In particular, if Y is metrizable, then X is metrizable, b) if the induced mapping C(f):C(X)¡úC(Y) is light and X is a D-continuum, then w(X)=w(Y). %K Continuum %K induced mapping %K light mapping. %U http://journals.aulonapress.com/index.php/ajm/article/view/74/112