%0 Journal Article %T On F-Supplemented Modules %A Yahya Talebi %A Behnam Talaee %J Albanian Journal of Mathematics %D 2011 %I AulonaPress %X Let R be a ring and M a right R¨Cmodule. In this paper we prove that if M is weakly F-supplemented, then every factor module and every F-coclosed submodule of M is again weakly F-supplemented. In [5], it is shown that Rad(M) has finite uniform dimension iff M does not contain an infinite direct sum of nonzero small submodules. Here we replace F-small submodules instead of small submodules (which is a weaker condition) and obtain the same result; i.e, we show that if M does not contain an infinite direct sum of F-small submodules, then Rad (M) has finite uniform dimension. %U http://journals.aulonapress.com/index.php/ajm/article/view/383/420