%0 Journal Article %T A Review of Empirical Studies Investigating Antecedents and Consequences of Collective Learning Behaviors in Hospitals %A Florina D. Spanu %A Adriana S. BŁżban %J Psihologia Resurselor Umane %D 2013 %I Romanian Association for Industrial and Organizational Psychology %X This study is a systematic review of the field research conducted in medical settings investigating collective learning behaviors. The review was driven by several research foci. Our main interest was in identifying antecedents and consequences of collective learning in hospitals. We also report results on the types of research questions addressed, research designs used, and types of medical teams investigated. Twelve studies met our inclusion criteria. Our findings revealed that highly contextualized studies that use different ways of measuring learning, different ways of conceptualizing medical teams, and different research methodologies, discuss similar antecedents. Variables like leadership behaviors, unit interpersonal climate, and hierarchical position were found to play a role in explaining organizational learning in hospitals across studies. We also found that despite an intense public discourse on the link between collective learning processes and patientsĄŻ safety and medical organizationsĄŻ performance, few studies actually report empirical data supporting this relationship. %K organizational learning %K team learning %K collective learning %K hospitals %K systematic review %U http://www.apio.ro/pru/archive/2013_vol11_1_4.pdf