%0 Journal Article %T Introducere n metaanaliz . Metaanaliza corelatiilor %A Laurentiu P. Maricutoiu %J Psihologia Resurselor Umane %D 2008 %I Romanian Association for Industrial and Organizational Psychology %X The present paper discusses the fundamental principles of meta-analysis, as a statistical method for summarising results of correlational studies. We approach fundamental issues such as: the finality of meta-analysis and the problems associated with study artefacts. The paper also contains recommendations for: selecting the studies for meta-analysis, identifying the relevant information within these studies, computing mean effect sizes, confidence intervals and heterogeneity indexes of the mean effect size. Finally, we present indications for reporting meta-analysis results. %K meta-analysis %K correlations %K statistical methods %U http://www.apio.ro/pru/archive/2008_vol6_2_9.pdf