%0 Journal Article %T The effect of emotions on risk perception: Experimental evaluation of the affective tendencies framework %A Dra£że Sa£ża %A Ric Fran£żois %J Psihologija %D 2012 %I Drustvo Psihologa Srbije %R 10.2298/psi1204409d %X The aim of this study was to assess the role of specific emotions on risk perception providing a more stringent experimental test of the Appraisal Tendencies Framework (ATF). Consistent with expectations, angry and happy participants made more optimistic risk estimates than participants who were made sad. As hypothesized by ATF, happiness and anger also led people to somewhat higher certainty appraisals than sadness. However, this change in perception did not mediate the impact of emotions on risk estimates. Taken together, our results provide the evidence for causal role of specific emotions in risk perception and contribute to literature showing that the effects of emotion on judgment are not solely due to the valence of the experienced emotion. However, they also suggest that the processes underlying emotion effects remain in need for further specifications. %K Affect %K emotions %K appraisals %K likelihood estimates %K risk perception %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0048-5705/2012/0048-57051204409D.pdf