%0 Journal Article %T Aspects of the relationship between the processing of stimuli in the peripheral perceptual field and in the perceptual central field %A Mihai Anitei %A Cornel Laurentiu Mincu %A Mihaela Chraif %J Psihologia Resurselor Umane %D 2008 %I Romanian Association for Industrial and Organizational Psychology %X As humans have limited information processing abilities and rely on three fallible mental functions: perception, attention and memory, the driving error is easy to appear. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the male/female differences in processing the perceptive information from the external stimuli in the peripheral visual field and to demonstrate that the mean of the estimate errors in evaluating the speed and distances in the central visual perceptual field is in inverse ratio to the reaction time value at the visual stimuli from the peripheral driving tasks simulation. Between the variables number of wrong reactions and number of omissions there has been obtained a relatively high negative correlation (r=-0.728, p<0.001). The result has a strong implication in visual stimuli processing during driving tasks. %K peripheral stimuli processing %K gender differences %K perceptual visual central field %K central visual stimuli processing %U http://www.apio.ro/pru/archive/2008_vol6_1_8.pdf