%0 Journal Article %T Trait emotional intelligence and somatic complaints with reference to positive and negative mood %A Andrei Federica %A Petrides K.V. %J Psihologija %D 2013 %I Drustvo Psihologa Srbije %R 10.2298/psi1301005a %X This study examined the relationship between trait emotional intelligence (trait EI) and somatic complaints after controlling for positive and negative affect (PA and NA). 362 volunteers (222 males) completed the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form (TEIQue-SF), the Somatic Complaint List (SCL), and the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scales (PANAS). Results showed that high trait EI is positively correlated to PA and negatively correlated to NA and somatic complaints, but that it can predict somatic complaints over and above PA and NA. These findings highlight the protective role of trait EI in mental and physical health. %K trait emotional self-efficacy %K mood %K incremental validity %K PANAS %K TEIQue %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0048-5705/2013/0048-57051301005A.pdf