%0 Journal Article %T Prevention of suicide among adolescents and young people: reflecting on the experience of Western models %A I.B. Bovina %J Psihologi£¿eskaa Nauka i Obrazovanie %D 2013 %I %X We analyze various preventive and proactive suicide programs, which operate in a number of Western countries. We consider various measures implemented under the auspices of the WHO, as well as in the framework of the European Alliance Against Depression. Following J. Henden, wediscuss three types of suicide prevention: primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary prevention covers the population as a whole ¨C suicide prevention is to promote the value of health and life. This type of prevention is addressed to a wide audience, including teenagers and young adults groups. Secondary prevention is aimed at those who have attempted to commit suicide, because the presence of attempts is a significant feature that allows to predict next attempts. Tertiary prevention is addressed to suicider¡¯s close circle, it aims at help the suicider¡¯s relatives to survive this event, use the appropriate ways of coping with the tragic situation. %K suicide prevention %K increasing number of suicides %K effectiveness of preventive measures %U http://psyedu.ru/files/articles/psyedu_ru_2013_2_3316.pdf