%0 Journal Article %T Rela ia dintre stresul ocupa ional, satisfac ia n munc i implicarea n munc %A Elena Raluca Ciobot£¿ %J Psihologia Resurselor Umane %D 2013 %I Romanian Association for Industrial and Organizational Psychology %X Nowadays the economic situation increases the demands and pressure levels upon the employees, which eventually affects the organizations¡¯ efficiency. Thus, understanding the issue of occupational stress is essential for identifying adequate strategies to manage it. Analysing the relationship between occupational stress and different attitudinal variables is a constant concern of the researchers in the area of behavioural sciences. However, the results obtained so far with regards to job satisfaction and work engagement are not satisfactory since they refer to a small amount of stress sources faced by the employees at work. The current research analyses the relationship between six occupational stressors, job satisfaction and work engagement. Three psychometric instruments are used in order to examine the association between the variables and the predictive values of occupational stress. It is also determined the moderating effect played by demographic variables of the 238 participants included in the research. Statistical data highlight the negative, medium and low correlations between the subscales of the independent variables and the dependent variables and that certain occupational stress sources are predictors of the dimensions specific to job satisfaction and work engagement. The results obtained from the moderating analysis show that five demographic variables have a moderating effect on the relationship between occupational stress and job satisfaction subscales. The employees¡¯ age, gender and the age in the organization are unique moderators with regards to the relationship between stress and work engagement. In conclusion, the research points out the urge of introducing in organizations some stress management programs, which should consider the employees¡¯ and job characteristics. %U http://www.apio.ro/pru/archive/2013_vol11_1_2.pdf