%0 Journal Article %T Finance-dominated capitalism, re-distribution, household debt and financial fragility in a Kaleckian distribution and growth model %A Eckhard Hein %J PSL Quarterly Review %D 2012 %I Associazione Paolo Sylos Labini %X In a Kaleckian distribution and growth model with workers¡¯ debt we examine the short and long run effects of three stylized facts of ¡°finance-dominated capitalism¡±: a fall in animal spirits of the firm sector with respect to real investment in capital stock, re-distribution of income at the expense of the wage share, and increasing lending of rentiers to workers for consumption purposes. In particular, we specify the conditions for long-run stability of the workers¡¯ debt-capital ratio. We thus identify the threshold for this ratio to turn unstable causing increasing financial fragility and finally financial crisis due to systemic stock-flow or stock-stock dynamics. %K Finance-dominated capitalism %K distribution %K household debt %K financial fragility %K growth %K Kaleckian model %U http://ojs.uniroma1.it/index.php/PSLQuarterlyReview/article/view/9937/9820