%0 Journal Article %T Exponential Sums for Nonlinear Recurring Sequences in residue rings %A Edwin El-Mahassni %J Albanian Journal of Mathematics %D 2010 %I AulonaPress %X We prove some new bounds on exponential sums for nonlinear re-curring sequences over residue rings. In addition, we also show similar novelresults when the modulus is almost squarefree, thereby improving the resultsin El-Mahassni, Shparlinski, and Winterhof [11] and El-Mahassni and Winter-hof [13] This is done by using a technique employed by Niederreiter and Win-terhof [26] and through the generalisation of a Lemma found in [11] and [13].Lastly, applications to the distribution of nonlinear congruential pseudoran-dom numbers are also given. %K Pseudorandom numbers %K nonlinear congruential method %K discrepancy %K exponential sums. %U http://journals.aulonapress.com/index.php/ajm/article/view/166/310