%0 Journal Article %T Gouverner la gentrification %A Max Rousseau %J M¨¦tropoles %D 2010 %I M¨¦tropoles %X L¡¯objectif de cet article est de contribuer ¨¤ l¡¯interpr¨¦tation des processus de gentrification ¨¤ l¡¯ uvre dans les villes fran aises. Sans pour autant ¨¦carter une approche par la demande, cet article met davantage l¡¯accent sur la construction de l¡¯offre de gentrification, un angle d¡¯analyse souvent d¨¦laiss¨¦ par la recherche urbaine fran aise. Afin de mieux comprendre la mani¨¨re dont la gentrification devient un r¨¦f¨¦rentiel caract¨¦ristique de l¡¯entrepreneurialisme urbain tardif dans la ville postfordiste, l¡¯approche propose d¡¯agr¨¦ger deux concepts classiques des ¨¦tudes urbaines anglophones : celui de diff¨¦rentiel de loyer emprunt¨¦ ¨¤ la g¨¦ographie, d¡¯une part, et celui de coalition de croissance emprunt¨¦ ¨¤ la science politique, de l¡¯autre. A partir de l¡¯¨¦tude de la cr¨¦ation d¡¯un march¨¦ du loft ¨¤ Roubaix, l¡¯analyse de l¡¯int¨¦r¨ºt commun des acteurs publics et priv¨¦s produisant les politiques de gentrification est ainsi au c ur de la d¨¦marche adopt¨¦e ici. This article aims at contributing to the understanding of the processes of gentrification occurring in the French cities. Without rejecting an approach through the demand, this article stresses more the creation of a supply of gentrification, an angle which is often underestimated by the French urban research. In order to better understand the way gentrification has become a policy objective which characterizes the late urban entrepreneurialism in the post-fordist city, the approach suggests to aggregate two classical concepts of the English-speaking urban studies: the rent-gap , which belongs to geography, on one side, and the growth coalition , which belongs to political science, on the other side. Based on the study of the creation of a loft market in Roubaix, the analysis of the common interest of the public and private actors producing the policies of gentrification is thus at the core of the analysis presented here. %K gentrification %K governance %K Growth coalition %K rent gap %K urban policy %K gouvernance %K Coalition de croissance %K diff¨¦rentiel de loyer %K gentrification %K politique urbaine %U http://metropoles.revues.org/4257