%0 Journal Article %T El Infant Facial Expressions of Emotions from Looking at Pictures. Versi車n peruana %A Pierina Traverso %A Magaly N車blega %J Revista de Psicolog赤a %D 2012 %I Pontificia Universidad Cat車lica del Per迆 %X The Infant Facial Expressions Of Emotions From Looking at Pictures. Peruvian version The Peruvian version of the Infant Facial Expression of Emotions from Looking at Pictures (IFEEL), instrument that assessed the interpretation of emotions from children*s faces pictures is presented. The original version from Emde, Osofsky & Butterfield (1993) was developed in the United States and involves 30 stimuli. The Peruvian version involves 25 pictures of children with prototypic facial features of the majority of Peruvian population. A sample of 363 men and women of middle and low socio-economic status between 19 and 45 years old was recruited to develop the Peruvian version. From the results, a lexicon was created with the words that were used by the participants to designate the 14 groups of emotion that were obtained. The majority of these groups had an adequate reliability for temporal stability. Finally, it was found that the socio-economic status (SES) is a variable that generates significant differences in the way how persons interpret the emotions. Therefore, referential values of differentiated interpretation were created from this variable. Se presenta la versi車n peruana del Infant Facial Expressions of Emotions from Looking at Pictures (IFEEL), que eval迆a la interpretaci車n de emociones a partir de fotograf赤as de rostros de ni os. La versi車n original del instrumento de Emde, Osofsky & Butterfield (1993) fue construida en Estados Unidos y tiene 30 est赤mulos. La versi車n peruana considera 25 fotograf赤as de ni os con rasgos faciales comunes en la poblaci車n peruana. A partir de las respuestas obtenidas con una muestra de 363 hombres y mujeres de nivel socioecon車mico medio y bajo (19-45 a os) se cre車 un l谷xico propio de 14 emociones que incluye las formas de verbalizaci車n para cada uno de los grupos de emoci車n obtenidos en la muestra peruana. La mayor赤a de los grupos muestra confiabilidad por estabilidad temporal. Finalmente, se hall車 que el nivel socioecon車mico (NSE) es una variable que genera diferencias significativas en la manera como las personas interpretan las emociones y se crearon valores referentes de interpretaci車n diferenciados a partir de esta variable. %K Disponibilidad emocional %K Evaluaci車n de la interpretaci車n de emociones %K IFEEL %U http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/psicologia/article/view/3807