%0 Journal Article %T Cervical neurofibromatosis with quadriparesis: Management by fibular strut graft %A Laohacharoensombat Wichien %A Wajanavisit Wiwat %A Woratanarat Patarawan %J Indian Journal of Orthopaedics %D 2010 %I Medknow Publications %X This is a case report of an eight-year old boy with neurofibromatosis and a 120o dystrophic kyphosis of the cervical spine. He presented with progressive quadriparesis caused by spondyloptosis of the C2/C3, and was successfully treated by skull traction and one-stage anterior fibular strut graft lying between the tubercle of the atlas through the C2 body slot and lower vertebrae. At seven years follow-up there was, loosening of lower vertebral screws which allowed growth and residual mobility of lower vertebral joints while the fusion of upper cervical spines was still solid. %K Cervical kyphosis %K cervical spondyloptosis %K cervical neurofibromatosis %K fibular strut graft %U http://www.ijoonline.com/article.asp?issn=0019-5413;year=2010;volume=44;issue=1;spage=95;epage=97;aulast=Laohacharoensombat