%0 Journal Article %T European Personalist Model of State-Church Relations. Political and Legal Fundaments in the 16th -17th Centuries %A Anca Parmena Olimid %J Revista de Stiinte Politice %D 2010 %I %X The subsequent analysis envisages three complementary perspectives: 1. firstly, the article analyses the evolution of structural, functional and methodological components of StateChurch relations along two centuries (the XVIth and XVIIth centuries); 2. secondly, the article guides the research on the aspects of cultural, national and social emancipation. The Personalist Model of State-Church Relations is expressed by the creation of initiatives of religious communities. In this sense, modern Europe becomes a common historical and political space for all Christians which increased the peaceful coexistence, during the two centuries, a real crossroad of modern traditions 3. thirdly, the article highlights the exchange of themes and public discourse, the teological trends and the juridical opinions engaged to answer the great challenge of religious pluralism in the European modern society. %K Europe %K State %K Church %K Religious Pluralism %K Papacy %U http://cis01.central.ucv.ro/revistadestiintepolitice/files/revista%20de%20stiinte%20politice%20nr%2027.pdf