%0 Journal Article %T ICT and the transformation of educational practice in the context of knowledge societies %A Julio C¨¦sar Gonz¨¢lez Mari£¿o %J Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento %D 2008 %I Fundaci¨® Universitat Oberta de Catalunya %X Change is a distinctive feature of society today. As a result of globalisation, many organisations have begun transforming their structures and processes to make them more efficient. The incorporation of ICT has played a major role in this transformation and generated major profits in many sectors of our economy.In education, even though many new theories and pedagogies exist which point to a transformation in the educational system, this has not been comprehensively carried out. In essence, education remains the same.Higher education institutions in Mexico are going through a process of transformation, where, without doubt, the lecturer faces major challenges to redesign functions in teaching.Here we describe some of the strategies for the innovation of educational practice and the transformation of the university lecturer profile, to respond to the demands of the knowledge society. %K ICT %K innovation %K knowledge society %K teacher profile %U http://www.uoc.edu/rusc/5/2/dt/esp/gonzalez.pdf