%0 Journal Article %T Digital Inequality Among University Students in Developed Countries and its Relation to Academic Performance %A Jonatan Casta£¿o-Mu£¿oz %J Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento %D 2010 %I Fundaci¨® Universitat Oberta de Catalunya %X Research on the digital divide has shown that it is important to study more than just the differences between those who do or do not have Internet access. Other dimensions that should currently be studied are: Internet skills, time spent on the Internet and, in particular, the use people make of the Internet. For each of these it is important to study the determinants and social consequences. In this paper we first present an overview of these dimensions and their determinants, and secondly analyse the influence of the dimensions with respect to the academic performance of university students. The analysed data, in agreement with international research, demonstrate that a) the effects of the Internet on academic performance are not direct, but mediated by variables and, b) the positive effects of the Internet are more pronounced in those students whose background is already more favourable for achieving better academic results without using the Internet, in agreement with the knowldege gap hypothesis. %K academic performance %K digital divide %K digital inequality %K higher education %K knowledge gap %U http://rusc.uoc.edu/ojs/index.php/rusc/article/view/v7n1_castano