%0 Journal Article %T La representaci¨®n de Andaluc¨ªa en la gu¨ªa Routard / Trotamundos %A Maria Cristina Bordonaba Zabalza %J Altre Modernit¨¤ %D 2012 %I Universit¨¤ degli Studi di Milano %X A travel guide author bases their writing on the notions they have developed of the would-be traveller and therefore chooses appropriate subject matter which will encourage the traveller to a have a new experience. In order to reach their goal, the author selects the linguistic and discourse strategies that will best help to persuade the reader to visit a place. The Routard/Trotamundos guide, which is the object of this present study, aims to reject the linguistic and discourse stereotypes underlying the conventions of the genre. It therefore proposes a fresh and more realistic vision of a destination. Moreover, the study of the Spanish and Italian versions allows us to reflect on the way a place is perceived, both from the viewpoint of the culture which is making the observations, and also from the culture which is being observed (Amossy 1994: 75). Both cultures can use the same words but with different meanings. %K discourse analysis %K stereotypes %K textual genres %K tourism %U http://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/AMonline/article/view/1974