%0 Journal Article %T Curriculum and Cultural Studies %A Marlucy Alves Para¨ªso %J Alteridad : Revista de Educaci¨®n %D 2012 %I Universidad Polit¨¦cnica Salesiana %X Cultural Studies have added and restored key concepts related to the curricular field and cultural analysis, such as: culture, identity, difference, signification praxis and representation. Ultimately, its principal purpose has been showing how the struggle to impose significations happens in different spaces, through different artifacts, in different power relationships and, therefore, with implications in the process to institute and product differences and identities. In this article, I present a discussion about some of the main concepts in Cultural Studies, like: culture, indentity, difference and representation, showing their importance to the curricular field and culture diffussion. The purpose of the article is to present some of the contributions brought by the Cultural Studies in order to comprehend the cultural struggle we experience nowadays and to understand the curriculum as a strategic artifact in the struggling process to represent and reaffirm the cultures with no power in society. %K curriculum %K cultural studies %K cultural representation %K signification struggle. %U http://alteridad.ups.edu.ec/documents/1999102/3570627/v7n1_Alves.pdf