%0 Journal Article %T Social media and language learning: (r)evolution? %J ALSIC : Apprentissage des Langues et Syst¨¨mes d'Information et de Communication %D 2010 %I ADALSIC %X Special issueThis special issue should strike a balance between techno-enthusiasm and technophobia. It will welcome contributions on the moving, unstable terrain that is now called by common consent "web 2.0" or ¡°social web¡±. Indeed, there is a lack of consensus on defining the terrain itself. But it is moving and unstable because it is in perpetual motion. Ever since Tim O¡¯Reilley was the first person to speak of web 2.0 in 2001, the debates have continued: economic, social, political and of... %U http://alsic.revues.org/1695