%0 Journal Article %T Phosphorus use efficiency of upland rice cultivars on Cerrado soil / Efici那ncia no uso de f車sforo de cultivares de arroz em solos de Cerrado %A Eduardo Lopes Cancellier %A Diogo Ribeiro Brandˋo %A Joedna Silva %A Manoel Mota dos Santos %J Ambi那ncia %D 2012 %I Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste %X ResumoRice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most economically important cereal in developing countries and the phosphorus is the most deficient nutrient in the majority of Brazilian soils because their low natural level and high adsorption capacity, therefore it is a crop limiting factor. Rice cultivars have differentiated nutritional requests and tolerances about stress of essential nutrients. This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency about use and response to phosphorus application in upland rice cultivars (BRS-Primavera, BRS-Caiap車, BRSMG-Curinga, BRSMG-Conai, BRS-Sertaneja, BRS-Bonan a and Epagri-109) in Cerrado soil. To simulate environments with low and high phosphorus levels were utilized levels of 20 and 120 kg ha-1 of P2O5 respectively. The experimental data were submitted to individual and joint analysis of variance applying the F test. Phosphorus influenced each cultivar differently and were not identified efficient cultivars about use and responsive to its application. The cultivars Epagri-109, BRS-Sertaneja and BRSMG-Conai are indicated to farming systems with high level of phosphorus. The cultivars BRS-Bonan a, BRSMG-Curinga, BRS-Primavera and BRS-Caiap車 are indicated to farming systems with low level of phosphorus. %K Oryza sativa L. %K abiotic stress %K mineral stress. %U http://revistas.unicentro.br/index.php/ambiencia/article/view/1446/1719