%0 Journal Article %T Recensione a LĄŻaltra met¨¤ del Risorgimento. Volti e voci di patriote venete, a c. di Nadia Filippini e Liviana Gazzetta, Verona, Cierre, 2011. %A Giulia Brian %J altrelettere %D 2013 %I %R 10.5903/al_uzh-10 %X This is a review of the recently published work by Nadia Filippini e Liviana Gazzetta LĄŻaltra met¨¤ del Risorgimento. Volti e voci di patriote venete (Cierre 2011). The book is divided into two sections: the first one presents the portraits of thirty-three patriot women, while the second is a precious archive of documents written by them. Thanks to the biographies, the documents and the ĄŽdynamicĄŻ structure of the book, the reader can easily follow the interconnections between all the individual histories, and reconsider from the womenĄŻs direct point of view, the history of Risorgimento. %K female patriots %K Risorgimento %K Veneto %K women's history %U http://www.altrelettere.uzh.ch/static/archivio.php?id_pub=10