%0 Journal Article %T Working memory and fluid intelligence are both identical to g?! Reanalyses and critical evaluation %A GILLES E. GIGNAC %J Psychology Science %D 2007 %I %X In this investigation, two previously published confirmatory factor analytic studies that separately reported working memory and fluid intelligence higher-order loadings so large as to suggest isomor-phism with g were evaluated critically within the context of internal consistency reliability. Specifi-cally, based on two data analytic approaches, the previously reported higher-order loadings which suggested isomorphism with g were demonstrated to have been achieved via the substantial disattenua-tion effects observed within structural equation modeling, when the latent variable corresponding composite scores are associated with low levels of reliability. The two approaches were: (1) the obverse of the disattenuation procedure for imperfect reliability, and (2) the implied correlation between a corresponding phantom composite variable and a higher-order g factor. The results derived from the two approaches were found to correspond very closely. To allow for a more informative evaluation, researchers are encouraged to report the internal consistency reliabilities associated with the composite scores which correspond to their latent variables, as well as to report both the disattenuated and attenu-ated higher-order loadings within their multi-factor models. %K intelligence %K higher-order modeling %K reliability %K working memory %K fluid intelligence %U http://www.psychologie-aktuell.com/fileadmin/download/PschologyScience/3-2007/01_Gignac.pdf