%0 Journal Article %T Retrorectal hamartoma: A ¡ätail¡ä of two cysts! %A Peter Prasant %A George Uttam %A Peacock Mark %J Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging %D 2010 %I Medknow Publications %X Retrorectal hamartomas or tail gut cysts are rare congenital anomalies most commonly seen in a retrorectal location; most common in middle aged women. This article describes the radiological appearance in two cases of tail gut cysts in males, one a child with a visible perianal swelling since birth and the other, a 72-year-old man with symptoms for one week. In both, the tailgut cysts were in a right perirectal location. Presentation in such a location in males, at extremes of age, is unusual for tailgut cysts. %K Perirectal %K retrorectal hamartoma %K tailgut cysts %U http://www.ijri.org/article.asp?issn=0971-3026;year=2010;volume=20;issue=2;spage=129;epage=131;aulast=Peter