%0 Journal Article %T The Consumption of Pornography on the Internet in a Sample of Portuguese Women %A Maria Jo£żo Gaspar %A Ana Carvalheira %J Psychology, Community & Health %D 2007 %I %X Aim: The main goal was to analyze the use of online pornography and identify some related sexual behaviours in Portuguese women. Method: 216 Portuguese (Mean age = 27.89; SD = 6.40; max. = 58; min. = 18) women answered an online questionnaire about their use of online pornography and other associated sexual behaviours. The questionnaire was announced through snowball method via e-mail and trough several chatrooms at different hours of day and night. Results: 56.9% of women, in this sample, have already used pornographic websites and 7% spends more than 6 hours per week in this activity. Entertainment, curiosity, and feeling sexual arousal, are the primary motivations for the use of these websites. Results also revealed a high diversity of preferred pornographic contents. Conclusion: The present study shows that the Internet can be a useful tool to search for pornography for some women, with a great diversity of objectives and contents, and allowed the identification of topics for future research. %K pornography %K internet %K women %K sexuality %U http://pch.psychopen.eu/article/view/27/13