%0 Journal Article %T FACTORS OF FORMATION OF EFFECTIVE MONETARY POLICY IN RUSSIA/ §¶§¡§¬§´§°§²§½ §¶§°§²§®§ª§²§°§£§¡§¯§ª§Á §¿§¶§¶§¦§¬§´§ª§£§¯§°§« §¥§¦§¯§¦§¨§¯§°-§¬§²§¦§¥§ª§´§¯§°§« §±§°§­§ª§´§ª§¬§ª §²§°§³§³§ª§ª %A §¡.M. §®alhasyan %J Voprosy Sovremennoj ¨¨konomiki %D 2013 %I Nau?noe Obozrenie %X Systematized basic and specific factors influencing the formation and effective implementation of monetary policy (macroeconomic, social, structural, budgetary considerations, as well as factors associated with globalization and liberalization of financial markets, information and uncertainty); their analysis concluded that in the making of monetary policy, it is necessary to make a complex assessment of all the factors affecting its implementation and to define their relationship in terms of the impact on the application of the tools of monetary policy. %K monetary policy %K the effectiveness of monetary policy %K factors %K inflation %K Central Bank %U http://economic-journal.net/2013/07/2125/