%0 Journal Article %T IMPLEMENTATION MODEL OF THE AUTOMATIC GENERATION THE FINAL AMOUNT OF COMMISSIONS IN INTERNATIONAL BANKING PAYMENTS/§±§²§ª§®§¦§¯§¦§¯§ª§¦ §®§°§¥§¦§­§ª §¡§£§´§°§®§¡§´§ª§¹§¦§³§¬§°§« §¤§¦§¯§¦§²§¡§¸§ª§ª §³§µ§®§® §ª§´§°§¤§°§£§½§· §¬§°§®§ª§³§³§ª§« §£ §®§¦§¨§¥§µ§¯§¡§²§°§¥§¯§½§· §¢§¡§¯§¬§°§£§³§¬§ª§· §²§¡§³§¹§¦§´§¡§· %A Dmitry Nikolayevich Bolotov %J Voprosy Sovremennoj ¨¨konomiki %D 2013 %I Nau?noe Obozrenie %X The article deals with the main form of international payments ¡ª bank transfer and recording of charging for its implementation commissions of correspondent banks. In order to optimize the cost of the implementation of international money transfers are justified approaches to developing models and tools for the automatic generation of the final amount of commissions in international banking transactions, and the technique of applying this model. %K international payments %K bank transfer %K bank fees %K mathematical model %U http://economic-journal.net/2013/05/primenenie-modeli-avtomaticheskoj-generacii-summ-itogovyx-komissij-v-mezhdunarodnyx-bankovskix-raschetax/