%0 Journal Article %T A ATUALIDADE DE PIERRE MONBEIG E O DIREITO DE APRENDER GEOGRAFIA - DOI: 10.7154/RDG.2012.0112.0004 %A Maria Eliza Miranda %J Revista do Departamento de Geografia %D 2012 %I Universidade de S?o Paulo %R 10.7154/rdg.v0i2012.373 %X Este artigo destaca as contribui es de Pierre Monbeig para a reflex o contemporanea acerca do valor do ensino de geografia na educa o escolar. Discute aproxima es entre estas contribui es e outras tend那ncias que tamb谷m abordam a importancia da escola e o valor do ensino de geografia para a forma o do pensamento cr赤tico e o desenvolvimento das fun es intelectuais de futuras gera es. Destaca a rela o que o pr車prio autor estabelece entre suas concep es de geografia e de ensino, as quais permanecem centrais no debate contemporaneo sobre as perspectivas da ci那ncia geogr芍fica diante dos dilemas que envolvem a forma o do ge車grafo e professor de geografia. Assinala a preocupa o com a qualidade tanto do ensino de geografia quanto da forma o do professor. Aponta ainda a necessidade de supera o do isolamento existente entre a forma o do ge車grafo e a do professor de geografia, devido 角 tend那ncia de expans o de cursos de licenciatura, com variadas cargas hor芍rias e estruturas curriculares, que, em geral, n o tem assegurado o pleno dom赤nio do pensamento cient赤fico e acad那mico do professor de geografia, n o sem efeitos negativos na forma o dos estudantes da escolariza o b芍sica e tamb谷m na difus o do valor e da importancia do trabalho do ge車grafo na sociedade. Pierre Monbeig is still present and the right of learning Geography Abstract: This article highlights Pierre Monbeig*s contributions in order to think about the contemporary value of teaching Geography in school. It discusses the similarities between those contributions and other trends that also deals with the importance of studying and the value of teaching Geography not only to the formation of future generations* critical thinking but also to the development of their intellectual functions. It stands out the relationship that author established between their conceptions of Geography and Education, which remain central to the contemporary debate on the expectations of Geographical science when facing dilemmas involving the formation of the geographer and the Geography teacher too. It presents concernment to the quality of teaching Geography and that one of training Geography teachers. It reinforces the need to overcome the isolation that still exists between both the geographer and Geography teacher*s formation, due to the tendency of expanding courses degree, with varied workloads and curricular structures, which in general has not assured Geography teachers who works at school to completely master scientific and academic thinking, causing negative effects on regular students* schooling proces %K Geografia %K Ensino %K Professor %K Ci那ncia %K Cr赤tica %U http://citrus.uspnet.usp.br/rdg/ojs/index.php/rdg/article/view/373