%0 Journal Article %T THE ESTIMAME OF PERFORMANCE OF MINIECONOMICAL INSTITUTES OF RATIONAL NATURE MANAGEMENT/ §°§¸§¦§¯§¬§¡ §¿§¶§¶§¦§¬§´§ª§£§¯§°§³§´§ª §®§ª§¯§ª§¿§¬§°§¯§°§®§ª§¹§¦§³§¬§ª§· §ª§¯§³§´§ª§´§µ§´§°§£ §²§¡§¸§ª§°§¯§¡§­§¾§¯§°§¤§° §±§²§ª§²§°§¥§°§±§°§­§¾§©§°§£§¡§¯§ª§Á %A K.A. Semyachkov %J Voprosy Sovremennoj ¨¨konomiki %D 2013 %I Nau?noe Obozrenie %X In this article author¡¯s conceptual approach to the estimate of performance of institutional factors, which influence to the ecological and economical activity of enterprise is described. Stages of estimate have been determined and analyzed. Moreover author¡¯s definition of the notion institute of rational nature management as a most important element of control of balance ecological and economical development is considered, its functions are studied. %K institute %K rational nature management %K estimate %K performance %U http://economic-journal.net/2013/07/1301/