%0 Journal Article %T Towards a definition of refractory neuropathic pain for epidemiological research. An international Delphi survey of experts %A Blair H Smith %A Nicola Torrance %A Janice A Ferguson %A Michael I Bennett %A Michael G Serpell %A Kate M Dunn %J BMC Neurology %D 2012 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1471-2377-12-29 %X We report an international Delphi survey of experts in NeuP, aiming for consensus on the features required to define, for epidemiological research: (1) neuropathic pain; and (2) when NeuP is ¡°refractory¡±. A web-based questionnaire was developed and data collected from three rounds of questionnaires from nineteen experts.There was good consensus on essential inclusion of six items to identify NeuP (¡°prickling, tingling, pins & needles¡±, ¡°pain evoked by light touch¡±, ¡°electric shocks or shooting pain¡±, ¡°hot or burning¡± pain, ¡°brush allodynia on self-examination¡±, and ¡°relevant history¡±) and on some items that were non-essential. Consensus was also reached on components of a ¡°refractory NeuP¡± definition: minimum duration (one year); number of trials of drugs of known effectiveness (four); adequate duration of these trials (three months / maximum tolerated); outcomes of treatment (pain severity, quality of life). Further work needs to validate these proposed criteria in general population research.This paper presents an international consensus on measuring the epidemiology of refractory neuropathic pain. This will be valuable in reaching an agreed estimate of the prevalence of neuropathic pain, and the first estimate of refractory neuropathic pain prevalence. %K Neuropathic pain %K Refractory %K Epidemiology %K Delphi method %K Web-based questionnaire %U http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2377/12/29/abstract